21.9.2024 – 21.9.2024
Puijon frisbeegolfrata
46 participants
The Student Union SAVOTTA of Savonia University of Applied Sciences and the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) are jointly organizing the national university student championships, the OSM Games, in Kuopio on September 21, 2024.
Location: Puijo Frisbee Golf Course (18 holes), Kuopio
Date: September 21st. Two rounds will be played.
First round: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Second round: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Registration Deadline: September 13th at 11:59 PM
Maximum Number of Participants: 90 people
Participation Fee:
Prizes: Top 3 in each category will be awarded.
Insurance: OLL members are covered by accident insurance during the event.
Meals: We are collaborating with Restaurant Puijon Maja to offer student-discounted meals. Sausages will be grilled near holes 1 and 18 for participants and spectators.
Additional Program: More details will be updated closer to the event.
Accommodation Deals for Out-of-Town Participants:
For More Information:
Competition-related inquiries: puheenjohtaja@opiskelijakuntasavotta.fi or call 044 785 5059
Registration and payment system inquiries: markku.rantahalvari@oll.fi or call 044 780 0217